
What our clients say about us

Lu Shi

Director & Senior Mortgage Broker

Lu Shi

Director & Senior Mortgage Broker

Yang He

CPA Senior Mortgage Broker

He Yang

CPA Senior Mortgage Broker

Kathryn Xu

Professional Mortgage Broker

Kathryn Xu

Professional Mortgage Broker

Wei Yang

Professional Mortgage Broker

Wei Yang

Professional Mortgage Broker


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Lu Shi

Director & Senior Mortgage Broker

Lu Shi is a qualified and accredited Mortgage Finance Consultant who has been in the finance industry since Feb 2009.She enjoys the opportunity of meeting new people and helping them to realise their goal of owning their own home, or securing their financial future by investing in property. Lu has an exceptional knowledge of loan structuring and always ensures the client’s needs are matched with a suitable lending product, package and lender.Lu speaks fluent Mandarin.

施璐,2006年定居西澳,2009年2月在Westpac旗下金融机构RAMS工作两年,2011年加入澳洲 本地金融公司任职专业贷款顾问。于2014年4月创立CALOANS,任职董事和资深贷款顾问。Caloans 可提供有效率高质量的专业贷款服务。有47家银行,上千种产品可供选择。

He Yang

CPA Senior Mortgage Broker

Yang is a fully accredited mortgage consultant and member of the Mortgage and Finance Association of Australia (MFAA). He joined CA Loans in 2014. Yang is a CPA and also can provide some advice regarding clients’ tax issue. He has a strong sense of ethics and great knowledge of mortgage broking, will always finds a most suitable deal for clients. He will help client through the whole process easily—from first call to settlement and beyond. Yang speaks Mandarin and English.

我是一名持牌贷款顾问, 是澳洲贷款和金融协会会员。 我于2014年加入CA贷款公司。 我同时也是一名澳洲注册会计师,还可以为客户提供关于买房投资等税务方面的建议。作为一名规范严格,贷款知识丰富的贷款顾问,我总是竭尽全力帮客户找到最适合的贷款产品。从第一次咨询到房屋完成过户的整个过程,我会帮客户解决所有难题,让客户全程无忧。

Kathryn Xu

Professional Mortgage Broker

Graduated with Bachelor degree in Accounting/Finance from Curtin University, Miss Kathryn Xu has 7 years of professional accounting experience before she joined CA Loans in 2015  as a financial mortgage broker. Miss Kathryn Xu Speaks English and Chinese Mandarin and Provide high quality home loan, car loan, commercial loan and personal loan services with Sustained high customer satisfaction ratings.

Miss Kathryn Xu 毕业于科廷大学Accounting/Finance学位,拥有7年专业会计从业经验。于2015年加入CA Loans,成为一名专业贷款经纪人,精通英文和普通话,专业的知识与能力与精益求精的工作态度和客户服务获得了大量客户好评。提供房屋贷款(Home/Investment Loan)贷款,贷款重组(Re-financing),土地建房贷款(Land and construction Loan,非居民贷款/457签证房屋贷款(Non-resident Loan/457 Visa Home Loan)。商业贷款(Commercial Loan)等金融服务。公司及团队拥有多年专业贷款经验,与各大银行联系紧密,致力于为您解决各种贷款问题。

Wei Yang

Professional Mortgage Broker


Master in Economics, CFA Candidate. Joined the Banking industry in 2013 working on Business Lending. Became a professional Finance Broker in 2018. Experienced in both business and consumer lending. Thorough understanding of Australia Banking system and policies.